19,99 €



The toy consists of 12 different pieces with various colors and designs regarding the world of dinosaurs that offer the child an abundance of visual and motor stimulation.

Specifically, through this game, the child is given the opportunity to build a tower of dinosaurs by stacking one cube on top of another and thus cultivating his motor skills as well as hand-eye coordination. Each cube has a different size, shapes and colors that allow the child to understand the concept of balance, size and the concept of stacking by starting the construction of the tower from the largest to the smallest cube.

In addition, vision and observation are developed through the recognition of the shapes and colors of the game.

An ideal toy that enables the child to further develop his senses by playing with his favorite dinosaurs!

Dimensions of the largest cube: 13 x 13 x 13 cm.

Dimensions of smaller cube: 8 x 8 x 8 cm.

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